bobo1013: 100_0001
bobo1013: 100_0002
bobo1013: 100_0007
bobo1013: 100_0015
bobo1013: 100_0016
bobo1013: ash wednesday
bobo1013: lent 01
bobo1013: PICT0081
bobo1013: ash wed hand cross
bobo1013: PICT0030
bobo1013: PICT0031
bobo1013: church 041
bobo1013: church 042
bobo1013: garden worship 013
bobo1013: palm sunday 003
bobo1013: palm sunday 022
bobo1013: cross n candles1
bobo1013: cross n candles
bobo1013: at the foot
bobo1013: FORGIVE. . .N
bobo1013: Holy ground
bobo1013: Holy ground 2
bobo1013: In Memory
bobo1013: Sins at the Foot of the Cross
bobo1013: Good Graffiti Wall
bobo1013: Caring for our Community
bobo1013: The Last Supper
bobo1013: Braided Prayers
bobo1013: Confirmation Class 2009
bobo1013: Putting on the yoke of service