James0806: Lafayette Mill
James0806: Peppers & Eggplant
James0806: Zayed
James0806: Vingt Francs
James0806: How my cat sees catnip
James0806: Mushrooms or Toad Stools
James0806: Tiny Vase for Flickr Friday
James0806: Chain #Iron #FlickrFriday
James0806: Maize as far as the eye can see
James0806: Restroom
James0806: Fire / Flame
James0806: Love thy neighbor
James0806: Augustinerkirche, Wien
James0806: Peaceful Harbor
James0806: Pathway
James0806: At the end of Main
James0806: Grandmother's Lace
James0806: Photographer Against the Wall
James0806: Wickford Harbor at Sunrise