James0806: A Jumble of Peppers
James0806: Purple Cauliflower
James0806: One Hot Red Pepper
James0806: One Hot Red Pepper Among the Green
James0806: How many purple peppers could Peter Piper pick?
James0806: Beautiful Fresh Ginger
James0806: Lots of nice hot peppers
James0806: Sweet Bell Peppers
James0806: At the Entrance to the National Zoo
James0806: A boy, his dog, a bike & a tree
James0806: Along Rock Creek
James0806: Near the Swedish Embassy
James0806: By Johnson's Boat House
James0806: Along the Bike Path in Virginia
James0806: Lincoln Memorial with Bicycle
James0806: Plane Landing at National Airport
James0806: Memorials through a tree
James0806: Beside the 14th St. Bridge
James0806: Hot Cherry Peppers
James0806: Peppers & Fennel
James0806: Bell Peppers with Grass
James0806: Beets, $3 a bunch
James0806: Fresh Ginger with their Greens
James0806: French Breakfast Radish
James0806: Various Squash
James0806: Have you, perchance, forgotten to feed me this morning?
James0806: Self-Portrait in a Flat Cap
James0806: A Fixie Afixed to a Railing
James0806: Syd resting in the Ivy