Bob Nastasi: Go Faster!
Bob Nastasi: Afterburners on!
Bob Nastasi: Blue Angels in San Francisco
Bob Nastasi: Blue Angels 2017
Bob Nastasi: Blue Angels at the Gate
Bob Nastasi: Blue Angels
Bob Nastasi: Through the Bay Bridge
Bob Nastasi: Faster than a truck
Bob Nastasi: Over the Bridge
Bob Nastasi: Going Up!
Bob Nastasi: Fly By
Bob Nastasi: Number 6
Bob Nastasi: US Navy
Bob Nastasi: Blue Angels
Bob Nastasi: Blue Angels
Bob Nastasi: Blue Angels
Bob Nastasi: Blue Angel
Bob Nastasi: Canadian Snowbirds
Bob Nastasi: Canadian Snowbirds
Bob Nastasi: Wing to wing
Bob Nastasi: Canadian Snowbirds
Bob Nastasi: Canadian Snowbirds
Bob Nastasi: Alcatraz Guard Tower
Bob Nastasi: United 747
Bob Nastasi: Air Force F-16
Bob Nastasi: Helicopters
Bob Nastasi: Lucas Oil
Bob Nastasi: Alcatraz