bobmendo: Sound and no fury
bobmendo: A tender singing moment
bobmendo: Sing to the Lord
bobmendo: Lights above
bobmendo: Water array
bobmendo: IMG_2334
bobmendo: We welcome the King!
bobmendo: Water 2
bobmendo: Paddy Beresford: Opening Day
bobmendo: Praying for the new staff
bobmendo: IMG_2342
bobmendo: Welcoming the new staff
bobmendo: Above the lobby
bobmendo: Deborah Pacht
bobmendo: Toby hears another story
bobmendo: Larry with Alex and Rick
bobmendo: Three men preparing
bobmendo: Eryn and Stephen
bobmendo: Aaron and Greg
bobmendo: Accessories
bobmendo: Water display
bobmendo: Paddy smiling
bobmendo: Paddy Beresford teaching the Word
bobmendo: Prayers: Tolik and Sam
bobmendo: IMG_2369
bobmendo: Avi reads the new Workers' Covenant
bobmendo: Bob signing the new covenant
bobmendo: Signing the new covenant
bobmendo: Workers' Covenant
bobmendo: No John Hancock