bobmendo: Garden scene
bobmendo: National Portrait Gallery
bobmendo: From the garden
bobmendo: Sculpture Garden
bobmendo: In context
bobmendo: Line of bikes
bobmendo: Line of trees
bobmendo: Line of blocks
bobmendo: Low fountain
bobmendo: Waters falling
bobmendo: Line of pillars
bobmendo: Line of wall
bobmendo: Line of cars
bobmendo: IMG_0016
bobmendo: High Court of Australia
bobmendo: Suspended
bobmendo: Ball
bobmendo: Sculpture
bobmendo: Caleb Williamson
bobmendo: Minna Simpson (5 year old)
bobmendo: Charcoal Burners
bobmendo: Evening, when the quiet east flushes faintly at the sun's last look
bobmendo: Sir Henry Parkes
bobmendo: Miss Florence Greaves
bobmendo: Isobel McDonald
bobmendo: Close up of Shearing the Rams
bobmendo: Another close up of Shearing
bobmendo: A Break Away!
bobmendo: Close up of A Break Away
bobmendo: Story of A Break Away