bobmendo: Cole dreaming; Anne modeling
bobmendo: Bob with Anne and Cole
bobmendo: Cole at the Lantern
bobmendo: Anne and Cole
bobmendo: Cole Bittel
bobmendo: Some Indian fusion place
bobmendo: Cole Bittel
bobmendo: Frist with Anne and Cole
bobmendo: Mark explains things to Anne and Cole
bobmendo: Cole, Janet, and Anne observing
bobmendo: Booker organizing
bobmendo: Cole hanging with Booker
bobmendo: Cole and his long board
bobmendo: Cole in New Mexico
bobmendo: Tennessee family plus Saba
bobmendo: Give me a break
bobmendo: Cole's wearying tale
bobmendo: Cole's Hardware
bobmendo: Ready...aim...
bobmendo: Cole sends one across the pond
bobmendo: Colorado week of snowboarding
bobmendo: IMG_0135
bobmendo: IMG_0134
bobmendo: The kiss
bobmendo: Vows
bobmendo: IMG_0130
bobmendo: With this ring
bobmendo: Cole and the stairs
bobmendo: Cole and Booker dancing, sort of.