bobmendo: Paula storytelling
bobmendo: Paula storytelling
bobmendo: Paula and a Jewish man
bobmendo: Paula and a Jewish man 2
bobmendo: Jewish man and Paula
bobmendo: Paula shares Yeshua
bobmendo: Paula surrounded
bobmendo: Paula and the crowd
bobmendo: Paula, the crowd and another flyer distributor
bobmendo: Paula evangelising
bobmendo: Paula amidst
bobmendo: Russian Paula
bobmendo: Paula sharing the Gospel
bobmendo: IMG_0032
bobmendo: Paula and Gagarin Memorial
bobmendo: IMG_0030
bobmendo: Paula and monument
bobmendo: IMG_0027
bobmendo: Paula and Marina
bobmendo: IMG_0009
bobmendo: IMG_0063
bobmendo: IMG_0064
bobmendo: Yankees around Leya
bobmendo: Paula and Leya
bobmendo: Marina looked tough a moment ago
bobmendo: GIrls after church