bobmendo: Mimma
bobmendo: Legion of Honor
bobmendo: Can't count those floors
bobmendo: Seriously great painting
bobmendo: Tide statue
bobmendo: Finishing touches
bobmendo: Hicks Peaceable
bobmendo: The finished look of Messiah
bobmendo: M-E-S-S-I-A-H
bobmendo: I'm so close to him I'm calling him "Vince "
bobmendo: Inlay in train station
bobmendo: Hand painting
bobmendo: Ramsay gallery shot
bobmendo: More art pieces
bobmendo: Cleansing the graffiti
bobmendo: Arthur Boyd
bobmendo: subte mosaic 2.JPG
bobmendo: Kunthistoriche museum, Vienna
bobmendo: Checking out the strokes of the master
bobmendo: Inside Cross Points
bobmendo: Dining room art
bobmendo: Stained glass
bobmendo: Mural 4
bobmendo: Roberts on banjo
bobmendo: Another annunciation painting
bobmendo: Chagall Akedah and crucifixion
bobmendo: Adoration of the Shepherds
bobmendo: Artwork
bobmendo: Paul and Barnabas at Lystra
bobmendo: Photo gallery