bobmendo: Bob as baby
bobmendo: BobHighDr1957.JPG
bobmendo: Bob sitting up
bobmendo: Kids KC 1957
bobmendo: Judy in her new coat
bobmendo: Judy and Mike
bobmendo: Elic and Helen
bobmendo: Tide statue
bobmendo: Bob's 2nd grade class photo
bobmendo: Bob's 3rd grade class photo
bobmendo: Bob's 4th grade class photo
bobmendo: My old home
bobmendo: My bubbe and zayde on findagrave website.
bobmendo: Harry Mendelson with parents
bobmendo: Michael and Judy on swings
bobmendo: Bob way back when
bobmendo: Bubbe and Zayde Mendelsohn
bobmendo: Cousins charms
bobmendo: Three generations
bobmendo: My sister in the day
bobmendo: My school photo
bobmendo: Bessie and Pauline with daughters
bobmendo: Louis and Jeffrey
bobmendo: Bubbe Mary
bobmendo: Bubbe and grandkid
bobmendo: Sarah and Joyce
bobmendo: Uncle Harold
bobmendo: Michael and Judy
bobmendo: My mom and Michael
bobmendo: Screen Shot 2022-08-02 at 10.01.03 pm