bobjudge: Bad Photo of My ready to ferment Ale
bobjudge: Yeast! Hydrated with some water
bobjudge: Chilling my wort to 80 degrees
bobjudge: 4 gallons of cool water in a super sanitized carboy
bobjudge: My wort after I added 2 ounces of hops!
bobjudge: Hop pellets
bobjudge: Malted barley extract
bobjudge: After steeping my grains
bobjudge: steeping grains!
bobjudge: close up of the doohicky that keeps things airtight...
bobjudge: carboy
bobjudge: steeping grain until it reaches 155 degrees
bobjudge: my grain
bobjudge: 8 hours after initial cook
bobjudge: 8 hours after initial cook CU