netamir: portrait of a new cloth young woman
netamir: young cloth woma waitting
netamir: protrait without the crochet cardigan
netamir: young coth woman legs and shoes
netamir: resting
netamir: young cloth man
netamir: young cloth man back
netamir: his shoes
netamir: his portrait
netamir: togther with the dogs
netamir: the dog is playing the young cloth lady hairpin
netamir: meditation
netamir: Cloth couple with a cloth dog
netamir: portrait of cloth woman
netamir: cloth family
netamir: cloth couple shoes
netamir: couple portrait
netamir: legs
netamir: a hand
netamir: New cloth doll with pink dress and lace detail
netamir: pilnk lady
netamir: stretching
netamir: Sunny
netamir: helpful