Bob Hall Photos: Stac Pollaidh
Bob Hall Photos: View to Achiltibuie
Bob Hall Photos: Assynt
Bob Hall Photos: Ring ouzel collecting worms
Bob Hall Photos: Road into Assynt from Achiltibuie
Bob Hall Photos: Assynt
Bob Hall Photos: Assynt
Bob Hall Photos: inchnadamph bone caves
Bob Hall Photos: Smoo cave
Bob Hall Photos: Assynt
Bob Hall Photos: inchnadamph bone caves
Bob Hall Photos: Assynt
Bob Hall Photos: Smoo cave
Bob Hall Photos: A loo with a view
Bob Hall Photos: Stac Pollaidh
Bob Hall Photos: Smoo cave
Bob Hall Photos: Assynt
Bob Hall Photos: Singing
Bob Hall Photos: Stac Pollaidh behind Loch Lurgainn
Bob Hall Photos: 2014_06_04_7834
Bob Hall Photos: Assynt
Bob Hall Photos: Young bird
Bob Hall Photos: 2014_06_04_7814
Bob Hall Photos: Loch glencoul
Bob Hall Photos: Loch Lurgainn
Bob Hall Photos: sea pinks
Bob Hall Photos: fyrish monument
Bob Hall Photos: Assynt landscape from Handa Island
Bob Hall Photos: Funky green bug
Bob Hall Photos: fyrish monument