Bobfantastic: 001 Greenland from the plane
Bobfantastic: 002 Greenland from the plane 2
Bobfantastic: 003 The house
Bobfantastic: 004 The street the house was on
Bobfantastic: 005 Chan Centre, UBC
Bobfantastic: 006 UBC
Bobfantastic: 007 UBC rose garden
Bobfantastic: 008 UBC rose garden 2
Bobfantastic: 009 UBC
Bobfantastic: 010 UBC
Bobfantastic: 011 UBC
Bobfantastic: 012 Black squirrel, UBC
Bobfantastic: 013 Black squirrel, UBC
Bobfantastic: 015 Squirrel on stairs to Wreck Beach
Bobfantastic: 016 Wreck beach
Bobfantastic: 017 Wreck beach
Bobfantastic: 018 Wreck beach
Bobfantastic: 021 Boating, from Wreck beach
Bobfantastic: 022 More boating
Bobfantastic: 023 Downtown, from beside station
Bobfantastic: 024 Downtown, from beside station
Bobfantastic: 025 Cruise ship beside Canada Place, shopping square
Bobfantastic: 026 Steam-powered clock, Gastown
Bobfantastic: 027 Steam-powered clock, Gastown
Bobfantastic: 028 Steam-powered clock, Gastown
Bobfantastic: 029 Steam clock, Gastown and Harbour Centre
Bobfantastic: 030 Steam clock singing
Bobfantastic: 031 Gassy Jack, Gastown
Bobfantastic: 034 Classical gardens, lots of rain
Bobfantastic: 035 Chinatown Millenium Gate