bobhuang78: Beth's dad, Dan, Danny
bobhuang78: Casey lights the candles
bobhuang78: Beth is happy
bobhuang78: Beth blows out the candles
bobhuang78: Beth cuts the cake
bobhuang78: Beth's mom (center)
bobhuang78: jill/danny
bobhuang78: Casey's first cake
bobhuang78: Casey and Dan
bobhuang78: Perrin and Beth
bobhuang78: Beth opens presents
bobhuang78: Perrin is a vampire
bobhuang78: Jill, Pete, Beth, Renee, Betsy
bobhuang78: Apollo Creed's shorts
bobhuang78: So happy
bobhuang78: opening more presents
bobhuang78: Beth is glowing from the heart
bobhuang78: Pete doing the Magnum/Blue Steel
bobhuang78: smiley
bobhuang78: Beth and Renee
bobhuang78: Beth opens the Glamourshots gift card
bobhuang78: Kids and Beth
bobhuang78: Violet Femme
bobhuang78: checking out the guns
bobhuang78: 'Oooooohhhhhh!!!!!'
bobhuang78: Beth about to hit someone on the head
bobhuang78: Beth and a kid
bobhuang78: Trainwreck/Pete
bobhuang78: Heavens to Betsy(?)/Fairy Brutal