bobhuang78: Biore Pad in Outer Space
bobhuang78: Biore Pad in Space2
bobhuang78: Nurse Betty
bobhuang78: Flypaper
bobhuang78: The batcave
bobhuang78: DSCF1278
bobhuang78: it keeps going and going...
bobhuang78: the ski slope
bobhuang78: Perrin's toenail fell off
bobhuang78: Perrin's toenail
bobhuang78: Perrin's eye
bobhuang78: Biore Pad
bobhuang78: Biore Pad 2
bobhuang78: .... and all i got was this lousy .......
bobhuang78: Seriously, does this look infected?
bobhuang78: My GOOD shoulder
bobhuang78: I THINK it's healing...
bobhuang78: Gross, just gross.
bobhuang78: This is what happens when you don't wear sunscreen.
bobhuang78: It came from Inner Ear!
bobhuang78: It came from Inner Ear! 2
bobhuang78: It came from Inner Ear! 3
bobhuang78: It came from Inner Ear! 4
bobhuang78: Found this in my Menudo
bobhuang78: YIKES
bobhuang78: The Stuff of Nightmares
bobhuang78: Menudo