bobbrooky: Cutting the chassis of 67 A series ERF, with ciggy assistance
bobbrooky: Give it some more torch!
bobbrooky: Hell, theres two of em at it now!
bobbrooky: "Been here for years"
bobbrooky: Bloody wheel nuts
bobbrooky: "Getting bits off"
bobbrooky: The chassis goes for scrap
bobbrooky: Cutting parts
bobbrooky: Traditional snowmen
bobbrooky: A Traction engine youngster
bobbrooky: The group on stage, Line of Fire!
bobbrooky: The medium build controller
bobbrooky: The circular saw
bobbrooky: A freindly giant
bobbrooky: Threshers at work
bobbrooky: Powering the circular saw
bobbrooky: Sepia wheels
bobbrooky: The threshing contraption
bobbrooky: Winch plougher, traction engine
bobbrooky: Lesson time
bobbrooky: "Up top", Johnsons of Banks, threshing machine.
bobbrooky: Comms!
bobbrooky: The balloon seller