bobbrooky: Super Blue tit
bobbrooky: Super Robin
bobbrooky: Jumping for Joy!
bobbrooky: In flight parent hdr
bobbrooky: Both tit parents in flight hdr
bobbrooky: Departing the nest
bobbrooky: The hungry predator
bobbrooky: Frantic flight
bobbrooky: Protective parent Redshank
bobbrooky: Another one away!
bobbrooky: Territory battle!
bobbrooky: Chasing the competitor
bobbrooky: I,m off!
bobbrooky: Chasing each other about
bobbrooky: A cute face
bobbrooky: Wings built for speed
bobbrooky: Brakes on
bobbrooky: Masters of the breeze
bobbrooky: Aerial acrobatics
bobbrooky: Alighting
bobbrooky: Taking off!
bobbrooky: Barnacle goose in flight
bobbrooky: Chips sighted, am going in now!
bobbrooky: Hover mode
bobbrooky: Outstretched wings
bobbrooky: Looking down and around
bobbrooky: Black headed gulls, and a slice of cheese
bobbrooky: The hole in the ice
bobbrooky: Heading into the evening sun
bobbrooky: Chaffinch taking off