bobbrooky: Net posts 2, Cree estuary
bobbrooky: Net posts, Cree estuary
bobbrooky: Sunset 3, Luce bay
bobbrooky: Sand and scour, Luce bay
bobbrooky: gloamin, Luce bay
bobbrooky: Sunset, Luce bay
bobbrooky: Large pebble on the beach
bobbrooky: Seaweed and endless sky
bobbrooky: Ridges, Auchenmalg
bobbrooky: Little red shed
bobbrooky: Sea pinks
bobbrooky: Gorse, Auchenmalg bay
bobbrooky: Typical lowland farm
bobbrooky: Cattle and lowland farm
bobbrooky: Fields next to the sea
bobbrooky: Looking out over the bay
bobbrooky: Ponderer
bobbrooky: Directions ?
bobbrooky: Sea front, Port William
bobbrooky: Port William harbour
bobbrooky: Inshore rescue
bobbrooky: Port William quayside
bobbrooky: The discovered Kilmadrine stones
bobbrooky: Kilmadrine Kirk
bobbrooky: Gates to the Kirk
bobbrooky: Lighthouse tower
bobbrooky: Foghorn 2
bobbrooky: Pressure vessel
bobbrooky: Foghorn
bobbrooky: Lighthouse architecture