Bob Blichmann: Heading out
Bob Blichmann: Everyone's a tour guide.
Bob Blichmann: Boat house
Bob Blichmann: Our tour group
Bob Blichmann: Pete's. With weeds growing on the pier.
Bob Blichmann: PC292426
Bob Blichmann: Betsy and birds
Bob Blichmann: Christmas house. The birds have taken over.
Bob Blichmann: The tour group. Our guide is in the blue boat.
Bob Blichmann: Bridge traffic.
Bob Blichmann: Hot spot for manatees.
Bob Blichmann: Over there! Maybe.
Bob Blichmann: Right behind you!
Bob Blichmann: Surfacing
Bob Blichmann: Surfacing
Bob Blichmann: Close encounter
Bob Blichmann: And it's gone...
Bob Blichmann: Dive boats
Bob Blichmann: Right behind you!
Bob Blichmann: Manatee attacks kayak!
Bob Blichmann: Our group
Bob Blichmann: PC292467
Bob Blichmann: PC292468
Bob Blichmann: PC292471
Bob Blichmann: PC292472
Bob Blichmann: PC292485
Bob Blichmann: PC292488
Bob Blichmann: PC292492
Bob Blichmann: PC292494