Bob Blichmann:
Bob Blichmann:
Watch your knees
Bob Blichmann:
Dining area
Bob Blichmann:
Don't touch the carpet!
Bob Blichmann:
Bob Blichmann:
Homemade homebrew beer system
Bob Blichmann:
Dishwasher buried in corner
Bob Blichmann:
Note unique window treatments
Bob Blichmann:
Dining zone. Note tower in corner
Bob Blichmann:
Dualing dartboards
Bob Blichmann:
The Big Flags!
Bob Blichmann:
Bob Blichmann:
More Balloons
Bob Blichmann:
Bob Blichmann:
Tiger... BAND!
Bob Blichmann:
Tiger... BAND!
Bob Blichmann:
Tiger... BAND!
Bob Blichmann:
Tiger... BAND!
Bob Blichmann:
Tiger... BAND!
Bob Blichmann:
Sea o' tailgaters
Bob Blichmann:
Sea o' tailgaters
Bob Blichmann:
Tiger Truck
Bob Blichmann:
Horned Frog fans from Texas