BobbieA322: At Day's End
BobbieA322: Drogonfly Rest Stop
BobbieA322: Blue Heron
BobbieA322: Shake Rattle and Roll
BobbieA322: DSC_1480S
BobbieA322: Crossing Paths
BobbieA322: Momma Loon and Baby
BobbieA322: DSC_1378S
BobbieA322: Shaking Off the Morning Fog
BobbieA322: Good Morning Sunshine Water Lily
BobbieA322: After the Storm
BobbieA322: A Touch of Home
BobbieA322: Clear Lake Sunset
BobbieA322: Dramatic Sky
BobbieA322: BFF - As long as you have food !
BobbieA322: Heron Hunting Breakfast
BobbieA322: Spotted Sandpiper Scores Dinner
BobbieA322: Spotted Sandpiper Stalking Spider
BobbieA322: Juvenile Bald Eagle Pair
BobbieA322: Juvenile Bald Eagle 2
BobbieA322: Juvenile Bald Eagle 1
BobbieA322: Bald Eagle 2
BobbieA322: Bald Eagle 1
BobbieA322: Osprey 4
BobbieA322: Osprey 3
BobbieA322: Osprey 2
BobbieA322: Osprey 1
BobbieA322: Racoon 5
BobbieA322: Racoon 4