Bobbi C: a fine friendship begins!!
Bobbi C: Mia or Heidi? we're not quite sure what to call her yet.
Bobbi C: put your left leg in, pt your left leg out. Do the hokey kokey and ya shake it all about....
Bobbi C: happy sandy mia
Bobbi C: Sweet face
Bobbi C: "hey mama!"
Bobbi C: that darned ol' rug
Bobbi C: conversational depth
Bobbi C: .motion.
Bobbi C: she's got flare
Bobbi C: little miss camera lover!
Bobbi C: Thief, we've got a thief!!
Bobbi C: listening to the rugerbugers shouting
Bobbi C: "Oh darling mother, that angle is simply no good for my nose"
Bobbi C: pinchy pinch
Bobbi C: haylage with some mischief in the background!
Bobbi C: Tijuana Star
Bobbi C: what Mia thinks of copyright ignorers
Bobbi C: NIK_0209
Bobbi C: chilling out
Bobbi C: .butt.
Bobbi C: .look.
Bobbi C: dressed to kill
Bobbi C: .nosey nosey.
Bobbi C: .lone ranger.
Bobbi C: .girl.
Bobbi C: .flare.