Bobbi_Jean: yucca
Bobbi_Jean: yucca2
Bobbi_Jean: not in Jessies backyard
Bobbi_Jean: hand spanked at the surf
Bobbi_Jean: signature wall at the surf ballroom
Bobbi_Jean: haunted dream image
Bobbi_Jean: Surf Ballroom
Bobbi_Jean: she's a star
Bobbi_Jean: love this wallpaper
Bobbi_Jean: and this carpet
Bobbi_Jean: the barrel drive in
Bobbi_Jean: the best in town
Bobbi_Jean: mailboxes
Bobbi_Jean: top of waterfall
Bobbi_Jean: rhodes mill
Bobbi_Jean: lamp post
Bobbi_Jean: red window
Bobbi_Jean: angles and curves green and blue
Bobbi_Jean: bauble garland
Bobbi_Jean: on the Mississippi
Bobbi_Jean: camera obscura
Bobbi_Jean: our camera obscura
Bobbi_Jean: the day the music died
Bobbi_Jean: 4th of July Carnival
Bobbi_Jean: miles of corn
Bobbi_Jean: sunset