Decepticreep: Traveling behind enemy lines on a stolen bike, Captain America suddenly spots trouble up ahead....
Decepticreep: "Surprise, Fritz!"
Decepticreep: "Hang on, Steve!"
Decepticreep: "I'll take care of this ratzi, Cap!"
Decepticreep: "Great job, partner!"
Decepticreep: Captain America v the Axis Menace
Decepticreep: Leap into danger
Decepticreep: Alternate shot
Decepticreep: Defenders of freedom
Decepticreep: The living legend
Decepticreep: Sentinel of Liberty
Decepticreep: Cap and Bucky
Decepticreep: April, 1942
Decepticreep: Smashing Nazis
Decepticreep: Partners