Decepticreep: I am/not Spock
Decepticreep: The Coolness of Logic Masks the Fires of Passion
Decepticreep: Science Officer
Decepticreep: We are all made of stars
Decepticreep: Reach For the Stars, Young Vulcan
Decepticreep: Fascinating
Decepticreep: The Fires of Vulcan
Decepticreep: Pure Energy
Decepticreep: I Want to Know What You're Thinking
Decepticreep: Puuuuure NRG
Decepticreep: Lt. Uhura
Decepticreep: Reproduction Mego Uhura
Decepticreep: Mr. Scott - Now with Starfleet Insignia!
Decepticreep: Mr.Scott: Master of the (Unintentional) Double Entendre
Decepticreep: Scottie can fix fix it!
Decepticreep: Montgomery Scott
Decepticreep: The Man from Andor
Decepticreep: Reproduction Mego Andorian
Decepticreep: Angry Andorian
Decepticreep: Dreaming of His Icy Homeworld
Decepticreep: The Three Amegos!
Decepticreep: The Real McCoy
Decepticreep: K'plah!
Decepticreep: Too Klingy
Decepticreep: "We come in peace!"
Decepticreep: The Trouble
Decepticreep: The Trek Triumvirtrate
Decepticreep: The Karate Kirk
Decepticreep: Cool Star Trek Glasses