Decepticreep: The General
Decepticreep: The South Has Risen Again!
Decepticreep: Total War!
Decepticreep: Voodoo Attack!
Decepticreep: " There's too many!"
Decepticreep: "Shall I sound the retreat, General?"
Decepticreep: Infernal creature!
Decepticreep: Yankee Monsters
Decepticreep: Battle!
Decepticreep: Confederate Thunder Lizards
Decepticreep: The South Rises Again!
Decepticreep: You Rebel Scum!
Decepticreep: Negotiations
Decepticreep: Wall Crawler
Decepticreep: Thunder'in Lizards!
Decepticreep: " I wear a Stetson now, Stetsons are cool!"