Decepticreep: 99 Problems (But a Betazed Ain't One) Origins Part 1
Decepticreep: 99 Problems (But a Betazed Ain't One) Origins Part 2
Decepticreep: Father/Son Relationship Counciling
Decepticreep: "Gentelmen, have you ever considered that these droids you're looking for are just a metaphor for something deeper?"
Decepticreep: Trust Building Exercises
Decepticreep: "I always feel like I'm about to fall into some sort of a trap!"
Decepticreep: "Revenge is never the answer, Boba!"
Decepticreep: Father/Daughter Relationship Counciling
Decepticreep: "All the other Bounty Hunters treat me like I'm a joke! They say I couldn't even shoot a fish in a barrel!"
Decepticreep: "The good news is that Lycanthropy is an officially recognized psychiatric condition, Mr. Talbot - and it IS treatable!"
Decepticreep: "Count, have you ever heard of the 12 steps?"
Decepticreep: "For the last time, please stop dancing on my office furniture, Norman!"
Decepticreep: "I dunno, Doc...ever since I started wearing this new costume I feel so...different!"
Decepticreep: "Alcohol abuse is a serious problem, Mr. Stark!"
Decepticreep: "Does this ink blot remind you of anything, Mr. Kerr?"
Decepticreep: Obsession
Decepticreep: Napoleon Complex
Decepticreep: Megalomania
Decepticreep: Superiority Complex
Decepticreep: Cult Deprogramming
Decepticreep: "I led Galactus to dozens of worlds he devoured!"
Decepticreep: "Tell me about your mother"
Decepticreep: "What do you see in this inkblot, Mr. Wayne?"
Decepticreep: "I recommend anger management!"
Decepticreep: Conflict Resolution
Decepticreep: Comely Councilor
Decepticreep: "So, you say that you feel like a boy trapped in a man's body?"
Decepticreep: Survivor's Guilt
Decepticreep: God Complex
Decepticreep: "No matter how responsibly you use your powers, it will never bring back your uncle, Peter!"