Decepticreep: Death stalks the night...
Decepticreep: NOT the apple of his eye!
Decepticreep: Bloody Blue Murder!
Decepticreep: Greedo is always too slow!
Decepticreep: "Get down here and face me like a Spider-Man, you wall crawling ninny!"
Decepticreep: Finally got 'im!
Decepticreep: Thunder...Thunder....Thundercats - AAAAARRRGH!"
Decepticreep: Skeletor's day off
Decepticreep: Carving up the ham !
Decepticreep: Cornhenge!
Decepticreep: "Got one!"
Decepticreep: Somebody hasn't been cleaning up the Panthor poop on Snake Mountain!