Decepticreep: "They called me mad at the University, but now I'll show them who's mad!"
Decepticreep: "It's Alive!!"
Decepticreep: "It's Alive!!" Old Film Style
Decepticreep: He just wants a hug!
Decepticreep: The Monster
Decepticreep: The Wolfman
Decepticreep: "Doggie want a bone?"
Decepticreep: Wolfman's Got Nards!
Decepticreep: The Chase is on!
Decepticreep: The Mummy Attacks!
Decepticreep: Bullets Won't Stop Him!
Decepticreep: Mummy v. Samurai
Decepticreep: Happy Horrorween!