Decepticreep: Lego Emperor's Shuttle
Decepticreep: Lego Emperor's Shuttle Front View
Decepticreep: Lego Emperor's Shuttle Side View
Decepticreep: Close up of Clone Pilot in cockpit
Decepticreep: Close up of controls
Decepticreep: "What a fine mess you've gotten yourself into this time!"
Decepticreep: "Does your HMO cover cybernetics?"
Decepticreep: "This is going to hurt... a lot, but not quite as much as that lava did."
Decepticreep: "I got you this sweet new helmet, go ahead try it on!"
Decepticreep: "Arise, Lord Vader"
Decepticreep: "Noooooooooooooooooooo!"
Decepticreep: Shocker
Decepticreep: Lego 2-1B
Decepticreep: Crispy Vader
Decepticreep: Clone Shuttle Pilot