Decepticreep: Evil Lord of Destruction
Decepticreep: "I'll put a spell on you!"
Decepticreep: Moss Man
Decepticreep: Don't anger the Guardian of the Forests!
Decepticreep: O Brother Where Art Thou?
Decepticreep: Mr.Roboto
Decepticreep: Domo Origato
Decepticreep: Platonic Love?
Decepticreep: Skeletor's Trap
Decepticreep: Skeletor'sTrap: Behind the scenes
Decepticreep: Beast Man
Decepticreep: He-Man
Decepticreep: Who wants some?
Decepticreep: 200X He-Man is overcompensating for something with that huge sword?
Decepticreep: The most powerful arm pit odor in the universe?
Decepticreep: "By The Power of Greyskull!"
Decepticreep: Classics He-Man
Decepticreep: Caught in the Valley That Time Forgot!
Decepticreep: Caught in the Valley That Time Forgot (digital painitng version)
Decepticreep: Jaw Art
Decepticreep: Trap Art
Decepticreep: Trap Jaw
Decepticreep: Are You Evil Enough?
Decepticreep: In the Den of the Wolf Beast!
Decepticreep: He-Man: Male Exotic Dancer?
Decepticreep: Just a Gigilo?
Decepticreep: The Power of the Havok Staff!
Decepticreep: EARTH DAY!
Decepticreep: It's a beautiful day!
Decepticreep: Peeping Moss Man