Decepticreep: Cobra Pep Rally, Prologue :"Hey, Zartan,why so blue?"
Decepticreep: Cobra Pep Rally, Part 1: Mysterious Gathering
Decepticreep: Cobra Pep Rally, Part 2: O, When the Sinners Go Marching By!
Decepticreep: Cobra Pep Rally, Part 3: The High Command
Decepticreep: Cobra Pep Rally, Part 4: Ninja Bodyguards
Decepticreep: Cobra Pep Rally, Part 5: The ugly kids nobody wants to dance with
Decepticreep: Cobra Pep Rally, Part 6: Dread knocks but once!
Decepticreep: Cobra Pep Rally, Part 7: "Company -HAALT!"
Decepticreep: Cobra Pep Rally, Part 8:" Ladies and Gentlemen, Please Rise for the Cobra National Anthem!"
Decepticreep: Cobra Pep Rally, Part 9: The Cobra National Anthem
Decepticreep: Cobra Pep Rally, Part 10: "GOOOOOOOOD MORNING , Cobra Island!
Decepticreep: Cobra Pep Rally, Part 11: Getting down to the heart of the matter
Decepticreep: Cobra Pep Rally, Part 12: Bad Investments
Decepticreep: Cobra Pep Rally, Part 13: Change: Whether you believe in it or not!
Decepticreep: Cobra Pep Rally, Part 14: "Cobra First!"
Decepticreep: Cobra Pep Rally, Part 15: Give me your money!
Decepticreep: Cobra Pep Rally, Part 16: A Bold New Direction
Decepticreep: Cobra Command to go into Telecommunications Market