Decepticreep: Mistakes
Decepticreep: PUT ON SOME CLOTHES!
Decepticreep: Thank the Maker!
Decepticreep: All-Star Backyard Star Wars Midget Wrestling
Decepticreep: Too old to start the training!
Decepticreep: Holo Palp
Decepticreep: Holographic Sidious
Decepticreep: Darth Maul
Decepticreep: Never trust a politician...
Decepticreep: "I'll be watching your career with great interest!"
Decepticreep: Mentoring
Decepticreep: "our pal Palpy" in '08!
Decepticreep: Star Wars Jumps the Shark!
Decepticreep: Mmmm..seasoned with extra Midi-Chlorians, yummy!
Decepticreep: Postcards from the Outer Rim
Decepticreep: How dark was my dark lord?
Decepticreep: Darth Maul on Tatooine
Decepticreep: Guarding the Capitol
Decepticreep: Another Useless Lifeform
Decepticreep: All he ever wanted was a hug!
Decepticreep: Training with the Master
Decepticreep: Hootin an' holler'in Tuskens!
Decepticreep: Watto great deal!
Decepticreep: Fall Maul