Bob Gotham: The Woodman Pub & Caravan Park - Embankment Breach
Bob Gotham: The Woodman Pub & Caravan Park - Flooded
Bob Gotham: The Woodman Pub & Caravan Park - Water Running Through The Park
Bob Gotham: The Woodman Pub & Caravan Park - Landslide
Bob Gotham: The Woodman Pub & Caravan Park - Landslide
Bob Gotham: The Woodman Pub & Caravan Park - Water Coming Through The Pub
Bob Gotham: The Woodman Pub & Caravan Park - Landslide
Bob Gotham: The Woodman Pub & Caravan Park - Owner & her friend Carol
Bob Gotham: The Woodman Pub & Caravan Park - Owner & her friend Carol
Bob Gotham: The Woodman Pub & Caravan Park - Road Flooded & Rubble
Bob Gotham: Bewdley - Clear Up After The Flood
Bob Gotham: Nice Weather If Your A Swan, Not A Boat !
Bob Gotham: Dennis the Fire Engine
Bob Gotham: Dennis the Fire Engine
Bob Gotham: Shrawley - Fire Engine Pumping Out Flood Water
Bob Gotham: Shrawley - Fire Engine Pumping Out Flood Water
Bob Gotham: Shrawley - Bridge wall knocked over by flood
Bob Gotham: Shrawley - Bridge wall knocked over by flood
Bob Gotham: Shrawley - Bridge wall & grass knocked over by flood
Bob Gotham: Shrawley - Bridge wall knocked over by flood
Bob Gotham: Bewdley "Ribbesford Road" B4194 - Land Slide & Flooded
Bob Gotham: Bewdley "Ribbesford Road" B4194 - Land Slide & Flooded
Bob Gotham: Bewdley "Ribbesford Road" B4194 - Land Slide & Flooded
Bob Gotham: My Photo On Kidderminster Shuttle Newspaper Website
Bob Gotham: My Photo On Kidderminster Shuttle Newspaper Website
Bob Gotham: The Woodman Pub in Bewdley on Ribbesford Road
Bob Gotham: My Photo On Kidderminster Shuttle Website