Citroën Guy: Roaring Plains, WV
Citroën Guy: Anne at Campsite
Citroën Guy: Sarah taking photo of Monika
Citroën Guy: Rhonda & Cheryl
Citroën Guy: Rhonda & Cheryl II
Citroën Guy: Cheryl sunning herself
Citroën Guy: Sarah making lunch
Citroën Guy: Rhonda doing Yoga
Citroën Guy: The gang at lunch
Citroën Guy: Roaring Plains Overlook - Hidden Passage Trail
Citroën Guy: The Group
Citroën Guy: Cheryl
Citroën Guy: Anne, Megan & Monika
Citroën Guy: Cheryl, Megan & Monika
Citroën Guy: Cheryl
Citroën Guy: Monika
Citroën Guy: Megan at Breakfast
Citroën Guy: Roaring Plains Overlook
Citroën Guy: Cheryl up a tree
Citroën Guy: Cheryl up a tree II
Citroën Guy: Cheryl up a tree III
Citroën Guy: Roaring Plains - before the rain
Citroën Guy: Teaberries (and you thought they were just gum).
Citroën Guy: Sarah Burke-White
Citroën Guy: The portrait of the artist at work
Citroën Guy: Monika admiring the Bleeding Hearts.