Bob Goyetche: The stereotypical SLR flower shot
Bob Goyetche: Leaf worms
Bob Goyetche: Left eye dominant
Bob Goyetche: underwater
Bob Goyetche: Playing with depth
Bob Goyetche: Lectra
Bob Goyetche: Eagles
Bob Goyetche: A CPL filter example 1 of 2
Bob Goyetche: A CPL filter example 2 of 2
Bob Goyetche: Sensor go boom
Bob Goyetche: Backyard Inhabitant
Bob Goyetche: Playing with the new Holga lens
Bob Goyetche: Ernie, straight 18-55 Lens
Bob Goyetche: Ernie With Holga
Bob Goyetche: Smurfs weren't home