Not That Bob James: Chaukhtatgyi
Not That Bob James: Soybean Farmer
Not That Bob James: Sunset Hill
Not That Bob James: P2171507A mother tries to entertain her young boy while waiting for the train in Hsipaw.
Not That Bob James: Fairy Tale
Not That Bob James: P2181579Watching the world go by from her tea house home in Saigaing.
Not That Bob James: P2181628On the U Bein Bridge in Amarapura.
Not That Bob James: Geese Parade
Not That Bob James: P2181667Young boys yuck it up under the U Bein Bridge in Amarapura.
Not That Bob James: P2181668Monks on the U Bein Bridge.
Not That Bob James: Coming Ashore
Not That Bob James: U Bein at Sunset
Not That Bob James: Monkey Business
Not That Bob James: Inle Lake
Not That Bob James: Floating Gardens
Not That Bob James: Picture Postcard
Not That Bob James: Smaller Bridge
Not That Bob James: Shwedagon Monks
Not That Bob James: Shwedagon at Night