Bob Duck: Red Head
Bob Duck: Lunch time
Bob Duck: Woman, window, green shutters
Bob Duck: Bridge over untroubled water
Bob Duck: The green hills of Tuscany
Bob Duck: The curve
Bob Duck: A dog in sheep's clothing
Bob Duck: Lots of liars?
Bob Duck: A man and his boat
Bob Duck: Cinque Terre vista
Bob Duck: Put on a happy face
Bob Duck: Green orange and yellow
Bob Duck: Dog in window
Bob Duck: Three and a half men
Bob Duck: Brightly colored shirts
Bob Duck: The beautiful Mediterranean
Bob Duck: Men playing Bocce in Tuscany
Bob Duck: The Twin Towers of San Gimignano
Bob Duck: Lakes in the Crete area of Tuscany
Bob Duck: Umbrella
Bob Duck: Unusual wine labels
Bob Duck: Castello di Volpaia
Bob Duck: Lake in Tuscany
Bob Duck: The beggar and the models
Bob Duck: Twindow
Bob Duck: White beauty
Bob Duck: Stripes
Bob Duck: Lantana
Bob Duck: Light at the end of the window
Bob Duck: Montserrat candles