The^Bob: Analogue of the twilight sky and photometabolism
The^Bob: Plant leaf behaviour at near-infrared wavelengths
The^Bob: Tungsten filament and 3,100K LED comparison
The^Bob: Two lamps, tungsten filament and white LED, visible and NIR
The^Bob: Olive tree in visible light (left) and NIR (~800nm, right)
The^Bob: Apple tree in visible light (left) and NIR (~800nm, right)
The^Bob: (My) hand transmitting 850nm LED light
The^Bob: The colour of the common blue damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum)
The^Bob: Caltha palustris spectroscopy, transmission rev
The^Bob: Writing on an egg with light
The^Bob: Chicken egg fluorescing under UV
The^Bob: Caltha palustris, 370nm fluorescence
The^Bob: Caltha palustris 6500K lED illumination
The^Bob: Calthra palustris: light trapping into the petal pigment
The^Bob: Calthra palustris: light trapping into the petal pigment (video)
The^Bob: A tuneable photonic crystal in the eye of the Arctic reindeer
The^Bob: Phytoplankton in Cardigan Bay, spectra
The^Bob: Phytoplankton in Cardigan Bay, image
The^Bob: Ray enjoys the Sun
The^Bob: Hulburt's Fish; RAEF; 2021-04-02
The^Bob: Rayleigh's fish has a new companion
The^Bob: 2100K LED, powered and electric-field-induced emission
The^Bob: Plasma Ball spectra with butane flame comparision
The^Bob: Induced glow in LED bulb from a Plasma Ball
The^Bob: UV – NIR spectrum of butane flame
The^Bob: UV – IR spectrum of butane flame
The^Bob: Far-UV -> NIR spectrometry of a spark in air
The^Bob: The colours of the eclipsed Moon
The^Bob: Lunar eclipses and exoplanet transits
The^Bob: Rayleigh's spectral arrow