The^Bob: Kochelsee from the Loisach exit
The^Bob: Kochelsee from the NE
The^Bob: Oxburgh Hall Norfolk
The^Bob: Sunset
The^Bob: Temple of Aphorodite
The^Bob: The stadium, Aphrodisias
The^Bob: Porticus Tiberii, Aphrodisias
The^Bob: Theater, Miletus
The^Bob: Temple of Apollo, Didyma
The^Bob: Cloudy twilight
The^Bob: Pre-sunset gold
The^Bob: Kuşadası/Samos sunset
The^Bob: Lake Bafa from Heraklia
The^Bob: Sunrise_2013-01-01
The^Bob: Cologne cathedral interior
The^Bob: Cologne cathedral and main station
The^Bob: The_Glonn
The^Bob: Scheelite-Pingwu_image_254_404nm
The^Bob: Ammonite_opalised_DM_2
The^Bob: Bergen_crypt_well
The^Bob: Bergen_crypt_chapel
The^Bob: Tarantula nebula in the LMC
The^Bob: Castel-Pergine
The^Bob: A February morning at Kochelsee
The^Bob: Gewitter in München
The^Bob: Looking_out_02
The^Bob: Looking_out
The^Bob: Cottage_rear_02
The^Bob: Aureli_tower
The^Bob: Orangery_tractor