bob_52: only you
bob_52: big gate
bob_52: shadows
bob_52: percussioni
bob_52: 70
bob_52: non squillerà più
bob_52: inside the church
bob_52: schermo su venezia
bob_52: luci della ribalta
bob_52: hands on Kawai
bob_52: hardware worker
bob_52: piccola orchestra
bob_52: upstairs
bob_52: relax
bob_52: railway of horrors
bob_52: the biker at Plac Nowy
bob_52: break time
bob_52: salumeria veneta
bob_52: stripes
bob_52: the owners of the village
bob_52: riflessioni di Helmut Newton
bob_52: la sera del 27 dicembre
bob_52: the bridge
bob_52: photoshop
bob_52: quite river
bob_52: ermafrodito dormiente
bob_52: black wood
bob_52: bronzi navi di nemi