boazf: The Un-Road Trip Slate
boazf: Todd (producer), me, Paul, and Allen
boazf: Todd and me
boazf: The whole cast/crew!
boazf: Paul spilled on his shirt, but Rhonda was there to help
boazf: Dave and Brian
boazf: Paul doodles
boazf: Paul gets unshiny
boazf: The Cast (Peter, me, CAG, and Paul)
boazf: Misty slates it up
boazf: 3 camera shoot = 3 times the fun!
boazf: Paul's being funny
boazf: My friends and "friends"
boazf: My house in Oregon in North Carolina
boazf: Furilla chills in my OR/NC living room
boazf: Un-Road Trip TV show opening graphic
boazf: Watching a rough cut of episode 1 via iChat
boazf: Cliff edits the show