Iron Works Photography: Detroit River Tunnel Co Crane
Iron Works Photography: Avery Steam Tractor
Iron Works Photography: Avery Steam Tractor
Iron Works Photography: Allis Chalmers Tractor
Iron Works Photography: Steam Tractor
Iron Works Photography: Corliss Steam Engine
Iron Works Photography: Triple Expansion Steam Engine
Iron Works Photography: Walking Beam Steam Engine
Iron Works Photography: A Room of Steam Engines
Iron Works Photography: 1875 Vertical Compound Marine Steam Engine
Iron Works Photography: Steam Generator
Iron Works Photography: Fockker Airplane
Iron Works Photography: Northwest Airlines
Iron Works Photography: Airplane Nose
Iron Works Photography: Ford Airplane
Iron Works Photography: Ford Tri-Motor
Iron Works Photography: Exploded Model T
Iron Works Photography: Rosa Parks Bus
Iron Works Photography: Inside of Rosa Parks Bus from Rosa Parks Seat
Iron Works Photography: Kennedy Assassination Limo