gboal: Setting Blades
gboal: Electrics
gboal: Scrap Strap
gboal: Bible
gboal: Bible
gboal: Bible
gboal: Bible
gboal: Bible
gboal: Bible
gboal: Overprint Tracts
gboal: EuroFolder
gboal: Aaron Graham on Stahl Folder
gboal: The Beard IS Ginger
gboal: Wes Agnew
gboal: Juniour's best look
gboal: Aham working the Muller
gboal: Clive & Stevie
gboal: One of revival movements best booklets
gboal: IMG_20150605_161221
gboal: Cleanliness...
gboal: Robbie cutting christian leaflets for Asia.
gboal: Robbie cutting christian leaflets for Asia.
gboal: 2015-03-05_01-27-38
gboal: Five Colour Hiedelberg
gboal: DSC_0560[1]
gboal: 2015-01-06_03-01-55
gboal: Simon making a few fine tunes on the concepta printing machine
gboal: Simon explains a little about the concepta printing to a group seeing around the factory.
gboal: Robbie folding calendars on one of the stahls
gboal: Ehret