Bo47: Walking Through the City Lights
Bo47: Fooling Around with a GX8 and a CCTV Lens
Bo47: 4 Pair of Legs
Bo47: Walking Up the Stairs
Bo47: In Burka
Bo47: Thoughtful
Bo47: Just Doing Nothing
Bo47: Coming Home
Bo47: On the Phone
Bo47: Well, If Nobody Else Will
Bo47: She Came in From the Light
Bo47: Enter the Light
Bo47: The Man in Blue
Bo47: Sunset + Rainbow = Awesomeness
Bo47: Walking the Dogs
Bo47: Candy Girl
Bo47: Mongolian Portrait #1
Bo47: Kill Time, Use Your Phone
Bo47: Bike Riding Under the Bridge
Bo47: Another Walk in the Cemetary
Bo47: The Forbidden Fisherman
Bo47: Lisa
Bo47: After a Hard Days Work
Bo47: Copenhagen Central Station at Night
Bo47: An Evening at the Red Square on Nørrebro
Bo47: Lady in the Sun
Bo47: The Mongolian
Bo47: Father and Son Went Fishing
Bo47: The Two Champions
Bo47: Sale 50ᴃ