jenfoolery: Crested screamer - great name for a bird!
jenfoolery: Mandrill
jenfoolery: Sad lookin monkey
jenfoolery: Blue lizards
jenfoolery: Gorilla ambling
jenfoolery: Gorilla hand
jenfoolery: Gorilla hand
jenfoolery: Scratching and playing
jenfoolery: Gorilla pondering
jenfoolery: Pondering pondering
jenfoolery: Young gorilla playing with a branch
jenfoolery: Big daddy gorilla napping
jenfoolery: Waterfall
jenfoolery: Tiger
jenfoolery: Tiger face
jenfoolery: Python skeleton
jenfoolery: Python skeleton, detail
jenfoolery: Canopy
jenfoolery: Fishing cat
jenfoolery: Turtles
jenfoolery: Turtle surfacing
jenfoolery: Turtle
jenfoolery: Pitcher Plants
jenfoolery: Pitcher plants, detail
jenfoolery: Guenon checking out its own hand
jenfoolery: Spot-nosed guenon
jenfoolery: Leaf underside
jenfoolery: Supermodel of monkeys
jenfoolery: Monkey
jenfoolery: Siamang