TedRheingold: Pris the Replicant, Blade Runner
TedRheingold: Cobra Commander
TedRheingold: General Orlov, Octopussy
TedRheingold: Conspiring
TedRheingold: Dick Vernon, Principal, Breakfast Club
TedRheingold: Mr. Dark from 'Something Wicked this way Comes'.
TedRheingold: Sardo Numspa, The Golden Child
TedRheingold: Watch out!
TedRheingold: Carmen Sandiego Spotted
TedRheingold: Dark Helmet, Space Balls
TedRheingold: Dark Helmet, Space Balls
TedRheingold: Heathers?
TedRheingold: Darth Heather
TedRheingold: Jaws
TedRheingold: DSC00068
TedRheingold: Heathers
TedRheingold: Reaganomics Toady
TedRheingold: They didn't even know the song they were signing
TedRheingold: Singing Barracuda
TedRheingold: Feelin' It!
TedRheingold: 9 to 5
TedRheingold: Kevin & Glenda
TedRheingold: Even Cold War Warriors like Karaoke