whitney cherry: 080127_0046_01
whitney cherry: he's feelin' it
whitney cherry: an electric violin player, rockin' out
whitney cherry: 080127_0048_01
whitney cherry: 080127_0073_01
whitney cherry: 080127_0077_01
whitney cherry: 080127_0074_01
whitney cherry: only in new york city...
whitney cherry: 080127_0062_01
whitney cherry: union square
whitney cherry: september 11th memorial in the union square subway station
whitney cherry: a confused voter
whitney cherry: rolex clock on 34th street
whitney cherry: madison square garden
whitney cherry: 34th street
whitney cherry: i <3 subway signs
whitney cherry: the papal paper
whitney cherry: pope benedict xvi
whitney cherry: what a letdown
whitney cherry: i love the cutouts for the windows
whitney cherry: obey the law or they'll go postal!
whitney cherry: not sure what they're waiting for
whitney cherry: they certainly haven't played in my lifetime
whitney cherry: you can always find a cab around penn station
whitney cherry: playing soccer in the park
whitney cherry: re-sealing the sidewalk on astor place
whitney cherry: re-sealing the sidewalk
whitney cherry: quite the feat
whitney cherry: got change?