lyndell23: BaD March 20 - weather where you are
lyndell23: Mr Bean - in the Capodimonte museum, Naples
lyndell23: Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte - Sofonisba at the spinet detail
lyndell23: Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte - Madonna of the Cat detail - sewing basket
lyndell23: BaD March 16 - Chicken (not quite)
lyndell23: Museo dell’Opera di Santa Chiara - the best tile
lyndell23: BaD 14 March - Pi Day
lyndell23: Basilica Reale Pontificia San Francesco da Paola
lyndell23: view from Castel del'Elmo - Audrey noting that Vesuvio is NOT erupting today
lyndell23: Audrey and the view from Castel del'Elmo
lyndell23: BaD September 12 - Pizza
lyndell23: BaD March 15 - Worst from 2nd journey